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December 2016: Home Nursery Now Grows Solar!


Home Nursery, Inc, is a wholesale nursery grower based in Albers, Illinois with a 95-year history of producing high-quality horticultural products for customers large and small throughout the Midwest. Throughout the latter half of 2016, Home Nursery added 10 new solar electric (PV) systems to buildings and ground sites around the farm’s production facility footprint. […]

Share Your Solar Smile


In the spirit of sharing this month, we’d like to invite YOU to share your solar smile and share the wealth of owning your energy independence. We’re now offering a $500 award to you for anyone you refer to us who decides to go solar with StraightUp. Do you have friends, family, or neighbors who […]

Explore Solar Energy! 2016 Solar Tour

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Over 130 homes and businesses all across Illinois are hosting Solar Tour Open Houses this weekend on Saturday, October 1st from 10 AM-3 PM. Solar tour hosts include homeowners, small businesses, farms, and schools who have gone solar.  They are opening up their doors to the public to share their experiences of being solar-powered, and […]

2015 Illinois Solar Tour this October!

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Illinois Solar Energy Association (ISEA) will be hosting the 2015 Illinois Solar Tour on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  As part of a national event, the Illinois Solar Tour is a free public open house. Home and business owners with renewable energy installations all across the state open their homes to the public to share their passion, […]

Journey Begins: WE CARE Solar Nepal Relief

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Shannon Fulton, StraightUp Solar Director of Business Development, joins Dr. Laura Stachel, Co-founder of WE CARE Solar in a mission to provide relief to Nepal in the wake of the recent earthquake and aftershock events. They will travel across the world to provide training and support to One Heart Worldwide team members who will use the Solar Suitcase, […]

Shannon Fulton to Nepal with WE CARE Solar

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StraightUp Solar’s Shannon Fulton is supporting We Care Solar’s emergency relief efforts in Nepal! Shannon is heading to Kathmandu on July 19th with WE CARE Solar Co-founder Dr. Laura Stachel to co-lead training of One Heart Worldwide team members on the use and installation of the Solar Suitcase. Shannon and Dr. Stachel will also assist […]

Northwest R-I School District


“The Northwest School District began a partnership with StraightUp Solar several years ago when we began investigating the possibility of adding solar power.  During that time, StraightUp Solar assisted us in placing 25 kilowatt solar arrays on nine different buildings with no upfront costs to the District.  The strategy orchestrated by StraightUp Solar allows the […]

April 2015: StraightUp’s Own Joins the Tribe

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Shannon Fulton, StraightUp Solar’s Director of Business Development, is officially solar powered!  Last weekend, our elite SUS crew installed a ground mount array at her home in El Paso, Illinois.  Did you know that a third of SUS employees have solar on their homes, plus the SUS headquarters is solar-powered? Shannon, current and 3-time President […]

December 2014: New Northside Baptist Church

New Northside Baptist Church Photo

StraightUp Solar installed 100 solar panels at the New Northside Baptist Church and Community Center in North St. Louis. This is one of four religious institutions that went solar with SUS in 2014! To show our gratitude for the church joining the StraightUp Solar tribe, SUS donated a residential system to a randomly chosen congregation […]