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Solar Service
Missouri & Illinois

Do you have a solar array or solar battery storage system that needs to be fixed? We offer residential solar service in Missouri & Illinois. Our full-time Service Team can ensure solar energy will be delivered reliably to your home throughout the decades of its life. 

Residential Service Department

You made the long-term investment in solar, and we are here to help you keep it generating energy as expected. Our solar installation company in Missouri and Illinois has been installing solar and storage systems for since 2006, and we have seen it all. We can help you maintain your solar photovoltaic (PV) system for decades to come.

We do more than just fix solar panels. StraightUp Solar’s full-time Service Department helps you troubleshoot issues and fulfill your service requests. We solve these common service issues:

  • Malfunctioning wiring
  • Chewed wiring from animals
  • Internet monitoring
  • Malfunctioning inverters
  • Detach and reattach panels when re-roofing your home or business

We service all solar PV systems from homes to businesses, from rooftop to ground-mounted arrays, and from storage to non-storage systems. We work with a variety of inverters, racking, batteries, and modules, so our team is well-qualified to keep your array up and running.

Residential Solar Service Missouri & Illinois | StraightUp Solar

Our Growing Community

Who Do We Service?

StraightUp Solar’s experienced in-house Service Department serves eastern Missouri plus central and southern Illinois. We prioritize our existing solar customers in the event that their system needs professional attention. Residential customers receive a 10-year workmanship guarantee and 10-year Sunrise to Sunset Energy Production Guarantee when they go solar with us. Learn about our warranties.

Have an Abandoned Array?

We Can Help.
If you’ve been stranded with an array that isn’t working, we will do our best to help. We can typically service most residential arrays within our Missouri and Illinois service area, though we do prioritize our customers first. StraightUp Solar is a registered Illinois Shines Approved Designee, meeting the heightened eligibility requirements. We may be able to provide solar service for stranded Illinois Shines program participants whose Approved Vendor and/or Designee has gone out of business, is unable to meet program requirements, or has been suspended from the program. 
StraightUp Solar was founded in 2006 and plans to be around long enough to take care of our customers throughout the lifespan of their solar array. It’s important to choose a trusted, local company who’s in it for the long haul. 

Having Roof Work Done?

We Offer Temporary Solar Panel Removal and Reinstallation for Your Home.

When you’ve worked on Missouri and Illinois rooftops as long as we have, we’ve seen a lot. Our region is no stranger to roof damage from the elements like wind, hail, sun exposure, and age. Solar is designed to withstand golf-ball sized hail traveling up to 50 miles per hour, protecting the shingles below. Your shingles, not always so strong. This is why we offer solar panel removal and reinstallation services.

Our team can temporarily remove your solar panels when your roof needs maintenance and reinstall them once the work is complete. If your roof is more than 15 years old and you’re thinking about adding solar, we highly recommend a roof replacement before installing solar. You’ll save in the long run.

We Service

Residential Service Troubleshooting

How to Fix Common Service Issues

If you need to perform a simple restart (aka Power Cycle), have an error code with your inverter, or noticed your monitoring app isn’t showing production correctly, visit our troubleshooting page. We’ve compiled a series of useful step-by-step instructions to help you manage basic issues you might run into with your solar PV system.

Additionally, we cover some service FAQ’s like:

  • How do I reset my solar PV system?
  • Will snow cover affect my solar energy production?
  • Can I prevent animals from damaging my array? 

Discover answers to common questions. 

Purchasing a Home with Solar?

If you are considering purchasing a home with solar already installed, give us a call to check out the system operations. We can advise you on how to operate the system and any potential hazards.

Need a New Roof with an Existing Solar Installation?

Our trained technicians can detach the mounting racks and panels from your old roof. We return to place your system back on the new roof.

Maintenance Plans

We also offer customized maintenance plans for businesses. We can perform a maintenance inspection of the system’s components every year. Commercial clients with systems over 30kW can sign an Operations and Maintenance agreement to keep their array working.

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