What is a Solar Group Purchasing Program?
Going solar for your home has great benefits – from stimulating your local economy, to providing a cleaner environment to your larger community. But what if there was a way for your community to all go solar together? For communities in the Midwest, there is a way, with Grow Solar and other group purchasing programs! […]
Inaugural Grow Solar St. Louis Selects StraightUp Solar
The midwest is a hot bed of solar activity, thanks to the efforts of the Midwest Renewable Energy Association. This organization has led 22 solar group buy efforts in Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa, and now they have brought the Grow Solar program to Missouri with the launch of Grow Solar St. Louis. Grow Solar programs […]
Announcing Power Up St. Louis Earth Day!
StraightUp Solar and St. Louis Earth Day are coming together to make St. Louis a cleaner and greener place to live. St. Louis Earth Day manages critical programs for the community like the Green Dining Alliance and Recycling on the Go. St. Louis Earth Day also organizes the St. Louis Earth Day Festival each year, […]
StraightUp Solar Recognized as a Top Solar Contractor
StraightUp Solar is honored to be named one of the top solar contractors in the United States by Solar Power World magazine. The Top Solar Contractors list is developed by Solar Power World to recognize the work completed by solar contractors across the United States. Produced annually, the Top Solar Contractors list celebrates the achievements […]
Solar Incentives Shining Brightly in Missouri and Illinois
ILLINOIS Homeowners and businesses can reduce their system cost by 20% with Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECS). These cash payments are paid quarterly over 5 years and are akin to a rebate. The amount paid is based on net metered production of the solar system. *Churches and schools in Illinois can save significant funds with Power Purchase […]
Hurry: Highest Value SRECs Expire Dec
In June of this year, StraightUp Solar acquired a number of SREC contract reservations for future solar energy projects – to be built before December 2016. We jumped on the June opportunity to purchase SREC contract reservations because our experience told us that subsequent opportunities to purchase SRECs in what is known as Illinois’ Supplemental SREC Procurement market […]
Why Are My Inverters And Solar PV Array Not The Same Size?
A common question in solar is “Why are you installing a 260 watt solar module on a 215 watt microinverter?” Or for central inverters, “Why is my system a 9,000 watt system on a 8,000 watt inverter?” Solar modules don’t produce their nameplate (DC) rating even with perfect sunlight that is perfectly oriented to the […]
Northwest R-I School District
“The Northwest School District began a partnership with StraightUp Solar several years ago when we began investigating the possibility of adding solar power. During that time, StraightUp Solar assisted us in placing 25 kilowatt solar arrays on nine different buildings with no upfront costs to the District. The strategy orchestrated by StraightUp Solar allows the […]
February 2015: Meramec Valley School District installs at 7 locations
StraightUp Solar installed 600 solar panels at 7 Meramec Valley Schools. Cheers to MVSD for creating clean power, saving money, and generating learning opportunities for their students. Each of the seven schools will generate enough electricity to power 2.5 average Missouri houses. Each school will have a TV monitor showing real-time production that can be […]
December 2014: New Northside Baptist Church
StraightUp Solar installed 100 solar panels at the New Northside Baptist Church and Community Center in North St. Louis. This is one of four religious institutions that went solar with SUS in 2014! To show our gratitude for the church joining the StraightUp Solar tribe, SUS donated a residential system to a randomly chosen congregation […]