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Solar Group Buy will Grow Solar in your Community

What is a
Solar Power Group Buy?

A solar group buy is a group of individuals, often tied together by some common affiliation, teaming up to help each other go solar. A group can be formed by a local municipality, club, employer, etc.  

The group accesses community presentations to learn about the nuts and bolts of solar electricity, finds the best installer, and then pools their purchasing power.  The end result?  Meaningful lower pricing, less individual hassles, and the highest-quality installations.

Sometimes organizing a ‘group buy’ within a community  comes about organically. The Midwest Renewable Energy Association coordinates many of these programs with local organizations like the Ecology Action Center in Bloomington-Normal, the Cool Cities Committee in Godfrey, and the Missouri Botanical Garden. In other instances, StraightUp Solar proactively introduces the idea such as when we worked with MilliporeSigma to help their employees solarize their homes. 

Either way, we then provide the tools for the entity to organize their group buy program,  and then we  launch it with them.  We  have specialized expertise to help any organization pave the way for their own group buy solar program.

Solar Group Buy Programs?

Successful Group Buys To Date

A solar Group Buy is a great way for a(n):

Why Choose Solar Power?

Solar electricity (or photovoltaics, PV) is expected to lower an individual’s electricity bill, and is a home investment for 25 years, and creates clean energy.

The substantial community benefit can also be a compelling draw for individuals. A group buy encourages others to go solar, allows the group to spread the savings through rebates given if certain targets are reached, and multiplies environmental impact while supporting the local economy.

The appeal of solar group buying is universal. That’s why cities, counties, nonprofits, large schools, and major employers are using the group buying model with great success nationwide.

100KW of Solar PV (powers about 13 homes year round) can:
  • BRING Over $300,000 into the Local Economy, including 800 Hours of Construction Work
  • PREVENT 24,000 gallons of Water Lost to creating steam to spin turbines for electricity
  • SAVE the Carbon Dioxide Equivalent of 223,000 Miles Driven by a 25mpg Passenger Car (or 100 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)



Ok, but where does my organization begin?

Can I get something like this in motion on my own?

  • To start, our Director of Business Development will have an introductory conversation with you. This can be done by phone with you or in a meeting with an exploratory committee or organizational leadership.
  • The Director of Business Development will first help you spell out exactly what you might have in mind, and then identify some specific goals and objectives. This simple step creates the very foundation for your program.
  • From here there are several paths you can follow to get your program successfully designed and up and running. We’ll help you figure out what’s best for your group.

Why Choose StraightUp Solar for Group Buying Solar?

As the leading solar installation company in Missouri and Illinois, StraightUp Solar has been competitively awarded more municipal group buy contracts than any other installer in the region.

  • Customer service to provide each property owner individualized attention, while efficiently managing high concentration of residential & commercial projects at the same time
  • Over 1700 solar energy systems installed under the same ownership in the same region for over a decade
  • Ongoing re-evaluation of our design and build practices, the latest equipment, and internal processes for improved operations
  • Up-front and transparent Cost-Benefit Analyses
  • StraightUp Solar’s own 10 year workmanship and production warranties, in addition to panel manufacturer’s’ 25 year production guarantee for residential customers
  • Library of StraightUp Solar presentations to address any audience
  • Marketing support

Looking to Organize your own
Group Buy?


1. Define Your Solarize Group

Any size community can create their own solar
group buy to share the benefits of solar. Define
your group based on geography, organization,
or employer.


2. Find Your Community Partners

Use the power of your networks to find promotional
partners and host locations for education sessions.


3. Pick Your Solar Partner

A local solar installation company can provide
the design, installation, and even educational
services for your solar group buy. Develop
selection criteria, including quality of installed
work, potential discounts, time in business,
community involvement, and NABCEP certification.


4. Host Solar Education

Provide a brief but helpful overview on how solar
works and the details of the group buy for
participants who want to learn about the program.
Pictured here: Solar Urbana-Champaign group
buy participants attend a solar education session.


5. Grow Solar in Your

Celebrate as the homes and businesses of your
community are filled with solar power systems.
They will provide clean energy to the grid and
may lower electric bills for decades to come.

Group Buys also Raise Funds to Benefit your Organization or Cause

Your group buy can also be used as a fundraiser or to gather donation towards a solar installation. Ask the project developer about this when you talk.

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Post updated Mar 6, 2025. What exactly is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (FITC)? Watch StraightUp Solar’s own Professor Ky the Solar Guy explain how

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