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Webinar | SOLAR SERVICE: Show Your Solar Some Love

In this Solar Service webinar, recorded on the eve of Valentine’s Day, you’ll find out how to show your solar PV system some TLC. No, it’s not a new dating app for solar homeowners. Just like other home appliances, sometimes your solar system may need extra attention. Some tasks you can manage, others may require you to call in the experts. 

StraightUp Solar has one of the only full-time Service Teams in Missouri & Illinois who can care for your system for the long haul. Andrew Miller, StraightUp Solar Remove & Replace Manager, will address common service questions:

In Need of Solar Service? 

For common issues, visit our Service troubleshooting library or peruse our list of Frequently Asked QuestionsIf it’s time to call in the experts, reach out to our full-time Service Team now. We’d be happy to take a look for you.

Ready to Go Solar?

From design to installation, we help Illinois and Missouri homeownerslike youuplift your energy with custom, turnkey solar solutions. We’ve been in business since 2006, and, as you can see, our Service Team will be here to care your system for years to come.