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We have good news! In 2012, Ameren Missouri will pay you for the energy your solar panels produce.

If you already have your system installed – great! You are already in queue to have Ameren Missouri buy your energy for $50 per SREC (solar renewable energy credit). If you accept the offer, Ameren will pay you thousands of dollars for the SRECs your system produces.

If you are considering solar but haven’t yet installed, now is the time. The SREC payment, in conjunction with Ameren Missouri’s solar rebate, the 30% federal tax credit, and decrease price of solar components lowers the cost to install solar in Ameren Missouri’s territory by 70%.

But the SREC money won’t last long in 2012, perhaps only a couple of months. Buy your solar system now to get in line for the SREC payment. Call StraightUp Solar at (314) 218-2663 to take advantage of the 2012 SREC offer.

More about how SRECs and Ameren Missouri SREC offer:

What is an SREC?
A solar renewable energy credit (SREC) represents the environmental benefits of producing one megawatt-hour of electricity using solar power. One SREC = 1,000 kWh of solar electricity = 1 MWh of solar electricity.

What is Ameren offering to pay me in exchange for my SRECs?
Pending Public Service Commission approval, Ameren is offering to pay $50 per SREC per year. If your system is 10kW or smaller, Ameren will buy your SRECs for 10 years in one up-front, lump sum. If your system is 10kW – 100kW, they will purchase your SRECs for five years through annual payments.

As an example, a 10 kW solar system produces 12 SRECs per year.
12 RECs x $50 x 10 years = $6000 payment from Ameren Missouri.

Why is Ameren Missouri offering a contract for SRECs?
In 2008, Missouri voters approved a renewable electricity standard (Prop C) requiring Ameren to get 15% of its energy from renewable sources. 2% of this 15% must be solar, so Ameren wants to purchase your SRECs to help meet their requirement.

How many SRECs is Ameren Missouri going to purchase?
In 2012, Ameren has $2 million to purchase SRECs.

Who can sell SRECs to Ameren Missouri?
Ameren Missouri will buy SRECs of projects installed in 2011 who have not already sold their SRECs to a third party. The offer will also apply to installations installed in 2012 for as long as funds remain available. The offer is in order of system approval. As an example, if Ameren Missouri approved your system in January 2012, you have the option to buy the credits prior to someone who is approved in February 2012.

What do I need to do next?
If you are a past client and already have your solar system approved by Ameren, you will receive a letter from Ameren in early 2012. All you have to do is respond affirmatively if you want to take advantage of their SREC offer.

If you are considering solar, but haven’t pulled the trigger, the quicker you get into your project approved by Ameren (and therefore in queue for the payments), the more likely you will be offered the 2012 Ameren Missouri SREC payment. It is not clear if Ameren will make a similar offer in 2013.


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