StraightUp Solar CLEARE Values

On January 11, the entire StraightUp team hopped off the roof for a day to review and refine our shared values, mission, and vision. We discussed what’s always been at the core of why we exist: empowering the communities we are a part of to create a sustainable future. Each team member contributed to the dialogue. The retreat focused upon […]

Defend our Renewable Portfolio Standard

A coalition of conservative state legislators is trying to reverse decades of progress for solar. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) seeks to tear down state renewable energy mandates across the country. This should be a rallying cry for solar.Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require utilities to incorporate a fraction of clean energy, like solar, into the […]

StraightUp Solar Supports National/International Advocacy

StraightUp Supports These Organizations We previously shared local organizations that we support. As we mentioned before, we love being part of a growing a solar industry and supporting other “believers” in the renewable / environmental community. Here are three organizations that are advocates for the solar community on a national / global level. We’re proud […]

StraightUp Solar Supports Local Advocacy

StraightUp Supports These Local Organizations – You Might Want To As Well! We love designing and installing solar. But, that’s only a piece of the bigger picture. We also love being part of a growing a solar industry and supporting other “believers” in the renewable / environmental community. We’re proud to be a founding member […]