How Are Solar Panels Mounted on My Home’s Roof?
Solar arrays will produce power for 25-30 years, and the attachment to the roof needs to last just as long. The typical residential roof type that we install solar on is a pitched, asphalt shingle roof. Other pitched roof types include slate, tile, or metal roofs. Flat roofs are also feasible locations for solar arrays […]
How Much Solar Power on My Home?
How much can solar power can I fit on my roof and how much will it produce? These are two of the most frequent questions that we receive about solar power. Here are some simple guidelines for starters: Solar panel’s DC power rating equals approximately 15 watts / square foot. Most roof areas allow approximately […]
How Do I Know My Solar System is Working?
The Answer: On-line web-based monitoring – and, it has multiple benefits.
How Efficient is a Solar Panel?
The short answer is 14 – 20%. That means that nearly 20% of the sun’s energy that hits the panels is converted to electricity to enter your home or business. Let’s put solar power efficiency into context compared to another typical energy user that most of us use every day. A gasoline vehicle is 14 […]
Answers to questions we’re often asked
Question: How many solar panels can fit on my roof and how much will the system produce? Answer: Though every residential roof is different, here are some simple guidelines to get you started. 1. Solar panel’s DC power rating equals approximately 15 watts/square foot. 2. 70% of roof space is typically usable for panels. 3. In […]
FAQ for Solar Design in St. Louis Region
StraightUp Solar recently gave a talk to the American Institute of Architects St. Louis Chapter. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to present solar guidelines and concepts to such a distinguished and progressive group of professionals. We appreciate Don Koppy spearheading the event and the rest of AIA’s efforts to include solar as part of their […]