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Direct Ownership of a Solar PV System is Not Applicable for Apartment Renters.

However, there are several ways you can lower energy costs and increase clean energy in your community. Consider energy efficiency investments, a community solar subscription, or advocate to your property manager and building owner to go solar for the whole building.

You can also earn $500 by spreading the word on solar through our referral program.

Community Solar

Community Solar is made possible through an innovative billing policy known as “virtual net metering.” Subscribers use energy normally on their property, but their energy is directly offset from the energy produced from a remote Community Solar array.

Learn more by visiting Ameren Missouri’s Community Solar program website.

Energy Efficiency

Consider energy efficient heating, cooling, and cooking appliances to reduce your home’s energy usage. The ENERGY STAR program explains energy efficiency home options and helps you find federal tax credits and rebates for appliances.

If you live in Ameren Missouri territory, check out their energy efficiency programs for local rebates.

Solar Referral Program

Spread the word on solar by participating in our Referral Program. If you recommend StraightUp Solar to someone who then installs with us, we will thank you with $500 after their new system is installed on their home (or we pay $10 per kW for large commercial systems over 50kW). Yes, this includes if you refer your property owner to solar (more below)!

Advocate for Solar Energy & Savings to Your Property Manager & Building Owner

Your apartment building could be a good candidate for a solar PV system to reduce energy costs for all your neighbors. Building owners can take advantage of the federal incentive, and solar energy’s low maintenance means less work for your property manager. 

Send them a link to our Commercial Solar page and we will be happy to provide a quote. Make sure you’re listed as a referrer to be eligible for our referral program. (see above)