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Germany just crossed a significant threshold – 25% renewable energy production.

A recent study from the University of Tennessee provides some insight into what achieving 25% renewable energy production by 2025 could do for America. The report finds that Missouri has the greatest job creation potential of all 50 states (240,800 new jobs possible).

Solar in Missouri is beginning to experience significant growth. As expansion continues, solar will create new jobs, increase energy security, and result in cleaner air.

Meanwhile, Germany leads the way, largely in part to smart renewable energy policies like streamlined solar permitting. Below is a graph of Germany’s current energy production.

On May 26, Germany reached a remarkable feat: On that day, 50% of the country’s electricity was produced from solar.  Solar equaled the production of 20 nuclear power plants.

Germany has 22 times more solar installations per capita than the United States.  All of this with a solar resource that is equivalent to that of Alaska!