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For Immediate Release

Contact Heidi Schoen (314) 677-4076

July 12, 2013




Later today, the Missouri Solar Energy Industry Association (MOSEIA) is expected to file
its response to KCP&L’s Missouri Public Service Commission filings where KCP&L
claimed they had reached the total amount of rebates they will pay during this year.

Based on the statutory provisions enacted into law by over two thirds of Missourians
voting for Proposition C in 2008, KCP&L and the other utilities must make the rebate
payments to those customers who are choosing to install this affordable renewable
energy. These installations provide energy security and independence to the families
and businesses making these solar installations and they increase the power
generation within the territory as a benefit for the rest of the retail customers.

After learning of KCP&L’s legal action, Dane Glueck, President of MOSEIA voiced his
disbelief that KCP&L would make such a claim. “The only thing in this action we can
agree with is that solar energy is very successful in Missouri. And that is why this past
legislative session, we worked alongside KCP&L to phase out the rebate over time.
However, we never dreamed KCP&L would try to claim those payments would end
during this year nor did they ever give us any indication that was what they were

Steve Jeffery, an attorney in St. Louis is representing MOSEIA in the case filed by KCP&L
Jeffery stated, “Based on Missouri law, I am uncertain how anyone could interpret the
law to read that KCP&L should do anything other than continue to pay the solar

KCP&L amortizes expenses for energy generation over the life of the asset (e.g., a coal
plant) yet in the case of these solar installations, they are refusing to do so. Because
the life of the solar installations is 30 years, these costs should be spread over that
period of time, not declared as expenses in a single year.

Further, in spite of the fact that the law requires the benefits of solar be deducted from
these expenses, KCP&L is not including in their calculations benefits such as peak
shaving, transmission congestion mitigation, transmission loss reductions, human
health and environmental benefits, and economic benefits.

KCP&L’s action puts into jeopardy thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of
economic development at risk in our state. Solar has been one of the economic growth
areas during these difficult economic times.

MOSEIA encourages the energy consumers in the Kansas City area to contact their local
solar installers and schedule the installation of this affordable readily available
renewable energy solar.

Other important facts:

● This filing was unexpected – KCP&L has never performed the calculation in the 5
years since passage of Missouri’s RES. MOSEIA has called for transparency and
even filed a complaint with the PSC last year to enforce the law requiring the
calculation – they have not complied until now.
● MOSEIA and its members helped pass proactive legislation this year to stepdown
the rebate to zero in 2020 – HB 142. MOSEIA wants to be responsible
stewards of ratepayer investments.
● KCP&L made $1.5 billion in revenue last year and $142 million in profits. It
received a 9.3% rate increase in 2012, and its customers have seen rate
increases almost every year over the past 5 years. Many of the increases have
been due to the company’s over reliance on coal and the required clean-up
costs. Solar is part of the solution to this problem.

MOSEIA is a non profit trade organization representing in-state and national solar
businesses and other non profit entities dedicated to strengthening and expanding the
solar industry and establishing a sustainable energy future for all Missourians. The
Board of Directors and members are comprised of solar designers, developers,
installers, community colleges with solar training programs and distributors and
manufacturers. MOSEIA is a 70+ member organization, and currently conducts
conferences and training in Missouri to advance the solar industry, and advocates for
sensible solar policy for the state of Missouri.