1) Take advantage of the Federal Tax Credit (FTC) for solar energy now: the 30% Federal Tax Credit for solar energy installation expires soon.
2) Electric prices are increasing rapidly. For example, Ameren Missouri has raised rates nearly 50% since 2007. Solar prices have plummeted more than 70% in the last 15 years.
3) Solar is important for energy, climate, and economic security. That’s why everybody is doing it! Within the next year in the U.S., another solar array will be added to the grid every 83 seconds.
4) Lock in your electric rate – 40 solar panels save $75,000 on average on your electric bill over 25 years.
5) New financing options like the Dividend Solar EmpowerLoan help you avoid the upfront costs of solar and pay for the system over time with your electric bill savings. Contact us today to find out if this option is right for you!
photo: Julie Heck, 2015