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24.6 kW System in Godfrey, IL

This Godfrey, Illinois home will offset nearly 95% of their electricity usage with solar energy and save an estimated $2,600 in energy costs in the first year. Their 24.6 kW system of 60 REC modules and Enphase microinverters will generate an estimated 29,000 kWh in one year. Annually their system is estimated to offset 21 metric tons of CO2 from traditional energy generation and the equivalent of the carbon sequestered by 24.5 acres of forest.

To make a lasting solar investment for your home, reach out for a quote. We can provide you with a free proposal that shows what a solar layout will look like on your home, what the financial savings will be, and what incentives you may be offered.

*All scenarios are unique, your experience may differ.