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At Home and at Work: Protek Communications Owner Covered by Solar

Meet Cameron McCurdy, owner of ProTek Communications. In this video, he explains why he chose StraightUp Solar to install a commercial solar energy system at multiple business locations. By owning his energy source and essentially locking in his rates, solar enables his business to invest the savings back into the services they offer. 

When considering solar for his home, he already knew it was a smart investment. He called StraightUp Solar once again, this time entrusting them with his residential installation.

0:09 – ProTek Communications business location with solar installations

0:20 – Solar modules lifted onto a home roof by a solar panel lift.

0:33 – Why solar energy was the right choice for ProTek Communications.

1:05 – Why Cam McCurdy chose to install solar energy on his home.

1:10 – What is it like to work with StraightUp Solar?

Invest in Solar Today

Whether you already have a commercial or residential solar installation or are new to solar, we can help you reap the benefits of solar at home or at work with a custom solar solution. Get started with a quote.

*All scenarios are unique, your experience may differ.